
這是一個瑞典人 Arne Gravi 在非洲尼日協助當地尋找在地種子來重建當地食物來源的故事。他在瑞典創立的伊甸基金會,從事這樣的工作。

他說:世界上有 250,000 已經知道的植物,但是只有 20 種作物,提供了人類 90% 的食物。我們相信要讓窮苦人富足起來的關鍵在於那些未被發現、可食的樹和灌木。

There are 250,000 known plant species in the world, but only 20 of them provide 90% of our food.

We believe that the key to prosperity for the poor lie in underexploited, edible trees and bushes
– the lost treasures of Eden.

Our mission is to find those treasures and bring them to people who really need them.

Source: Eden Foundation

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