


在我們看來,有意識的藉由創造一個豐富和高產的食物森林來管理地球,對於整體的食物可持續性和自給自足是至關重要的。它也是地球再生和「One Community」尋求一個社區的最高利益理念的基礎。



  1. 食物森林部分的植物
  2. 相關資源網頁
  3. 如何參與這個計畫
  4. 什麼是食物森林
  5. 如何建立食物森林
  6. 創建一個社區食物森林
  7. 食物森林的種植和採摘細節
  8. 植物供應商資源清單(如:在哪裡購買)
  9. 資源
  10. 摘要
  11. 常見問題

Intentional earth stewardship by creating an abundant and productive food forest is, in our opinion, essential to comprehensive food sustainability and self-sufficiency. It is also foundational to regenerating our planet and One Community’s Highest Good of All philosophy. For this reason, we are including teaching, demonstrating, and open source sharing food forest creation and development as key components of our open source botanical gardenHighest Good food infrastructure, and model for self-replicating and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.

As a species we have the ability to truly live in harmony and mutual support with nature. This open source hub (and all the associated pages) will continue to evolve indefinitely as an ongoing demonstration of how to do that through food forest creation. It includes the following sections:

Source: Food Forest Open Source Hub :: What | Why | How